Enter the matrix

No fencing scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving, so it’s a good time to do some conditioning. What with all the lunging and scurrying about in fencing, my legs are never really up to it. I need to be able to spring into action at any given moment. I’ve been meaning to try the ‘Leg Matrix’, which I found out about over on Skwigg’s blog. I like that you don’t need any weights and it doesn’t take long, but I’m not sure if doing it just once through qualifies as a decent enough workout.

The Leg Matrix (insert favorite Morpheus or Neo quote here):
24 bodyweight squats
12 lunges each leg
12 lunge jumps each leg
24 jump squats

and that’s it. It sounds easy enough, but it pretty much wrecks you. It is supposed to be done in some insanely freakishly short period of time: 90 seconds. No way. Just no way. Getting through the sequence is hard enough. If you don’t believe me, you can watch this guy on youtube struggle through it.

I did not time myself. I needed a 10 second break before the last set. I was panting, as well as jello-legged by the end. In my defense, I did it after doing a light leg weight workout, as a “finisher”. Paul Simon’s “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” was playing on my ipod when I started, and now I could pretty much go without hearing that song ever again. Next time I enter the matrix I’m putting on some Motorhead and a heart rate monitor.

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